
文章 2019-07-08 15:25:25 1个回答   ()人看过

杭州西溪国家湿地公园为湿地生态公园,被誉为“杭州之肺”,是罕见的城中次生湿地。杭州西溪湿地是国内第一个也是唯一的集城市湿地、农耕湿地、文化湿地于一体的国家湿地公园。 以下是小编整理的关于西溪湿地英语导游词,欢迎阅读参考。

Zhou Zhuang Village into the --- out of a high. About 3 hours

Zhou Ka Tsuen Ferry boat - fishing village smoke under water - & on - across the river under the pit mouth Nagisa street electric vehicles to high-Zhuang

Dear friends, we all know to go to West Lake in Hangzhou, West Lake In fact, there are three sisters, collectively known as "Hangzhou West", then the three sisters do the first one is the West Lake, West Lake is a natural and graceful palace women, Xixi is are natural to the carving of the Sha woman, there is still Xiling is JobHunting talented woman, came to Hangzhou, we have to go to the palace women, is also going to take a look at Wun Sha woman, as the talented woman's apartment, waiting for her throw out the Hydrangea when we can go to check out, so we do now on the "West Lake, Xixi go does not end there." To see the natural to the carving, full of this wild and natural beauty of the Sha woman - a kind of back to nature to enjoy the rural beauty of the wilderness

In going before this, we can understand what is under the wetland, the English name of the wetland (wetland), from a literal understanding of the land is wet! That some people will ask, then I do not also become the ground Sa Paoniao wetlands, it? In a sense, is so understanding, but also secondary wetlands, are not naturally formed in the later formed under certain conditions, the authenticity of the wetlands! . From this perspective is that we often can see, lakes, rivers, estuaries, swamps, reservoirs, ponds, rice fields belong to the wetlands. Their common feature is its surface covered with perennial or regular water or filled with water, lies between the land and water between the over-band.

Many people know that Xixi Wetland as seen Lunar New Year in 2009 film "You Are the One", see Ge withstand grass bald, shuttling through the Xixi Wetland dense

vegetation, the saw Alex Fong and Shu Qi in the Xixi whisper of the night ... ... is true, If You Let a Xixi Wetland become a "provincial, and departmental standards, Ge You." Into a romance, home of the Xixi live paradise

The previous time, there is water when it was Xixi Wang Yang 1, no water was wetland, a small reservoir, no water, when the local people on the go reclaimed, so there are a lot of fish ponds, in order to ensure that soil erosion , again dug up the mound in the cultivation of a variety of economic plants, such as mulberry, persimmon trees, plum trees and so on. Therefore, the Xixi Wetland is not one of the original ecology of wetlands, but a distinctive agricultural Yangtze River Delta wetlands, secondary wetlands.

The history of Xixi, covering an area of about 60 square kilometers, has experienced the Eastern Jin Dynasty found that the development of Tang and Song dynasties, the Ming and Qing peak, the Republic began to decline in four stages of development. It was reported that the Southern Song Dynasty Emperor Zhao Gou to see here and want to build Imperial City to this place, and later to the West Lake West Lake found that, on the choice and the West Lake side, and left a "Xixi and leave" so stayed Xixi , while the Xixi Wetland, also known as the place where to leave town. Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong also very fond of the place. Quite a few literati to this place called the Shangri-la. To modern times, with the Xixi Wetland villages and farmers. The eighties and nineties, along with real estate development boom, a large number of farmers room construction, Xixi water area gradually shrinking, water quality has also suffered varying degrees of pollution,

From 1990 onwards, Xixi wetland conservation and development was put on the agenda. So how Xixi Wetland development? At that time it was suggested that the development of real estate, Xixi wetlands, if used to develop real estate, government revenues of at least 100 billion yuan, which was originally to protect at least spend 40 billion yuan, of this into one, government revenues of at least 14 billion yuan. However, the calculation is the big accounts Hangzhou and Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Guoping, said Xixi Wetland fight should create a "culture of the country girls." He said that the implementation of a comprehensive Xixi Wetland protection project must be appropriate to use the premise of protection, through the appropriate use to achieve better protection, to find protection and use of balance, out of a conservation and use of "win-win" ways of Xixi Wetland Not only has brought the protection of the ecological benefits, social benefits, but also bring

economic benefits. Hangzhou's fame, reputation upgrading, urban appreciation, so that the benefits far more than 14 billion yuan.

In 2003, the Xixi Wetland Comprehensive Protection Project and other major projects started. In early 2004, "Hangzhou Xixi Wetland Reserve Master Plan" was officially approved by Hangzhou Municipal Government. Hangzhou began to play here, caused by the national and world-class wetlands. Xixi National Wetland Park a total area of approximately 11 square kilometers. Beginning in 2004, a total of Xixi Wetland investment in three phases, with a total investment of nearly 100 (20 +30 +43) billion. Can all be expected to open by the end of 2008! Then we went to see what Xixi,

Water is the soul of Xixi, the park covers an area of about 70% of the river and pond, lake ripples, swamps and other waters, Yulin Zhuang ponds, forming a unique Xixi wetland landscape. To enhance ecological protection, in a wetland within the set up of multiple ecological protection areas and ecological restoration area. Xixi, or bird's paradise, the park has many bird-watching Pavilion, to tourists showing Qunniao Huan fly magnificent landscape. Since ancient times, scholars considered for Paradise Creek, Xixi thatched cottage in history have all been pioneered by a number of literati in other industries, the annual Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Deep Tan wins will be held in mouth, long history, unique form, known as "In the Mood Dragon Boat . " Smoke the water near the fishing village, "Xixi people", "silkworm silk Story" Xixi reproduce the life of the indigenous inhabitants of the farm labor scene, so that more people know and understand the typical fishing village folk

1st Terminal:

Zhuang smoke live fish, and now our next live fish of this port is loaded terminals smoke, smoke water fishing village "smoke water" refers to the willow smoke, clouds, smoke, water, co-existence between man and smoke like a body near the fairyland. And there are a smoke Shuige, but it is three high-rises, is far-Yang Yuan Wang overturned twilight scenery, a good place to watch birds egrets. Xixi Wetland before the river is often some of the boats at anchor, fishermen door to boatman, in the liberation of the aquatic team also organized in recent years the river pollution, fewer fish, aquatic team of four fishermen are no longer fishing, while the is a team divided into a few waters, we in turn keep-net fishing. Of course, need to hand over an annual fee. Xixi fishermen's life is very hard, young people are reluctant to dry, living in houseboats on, are some fifty or sixty years of age elderly fisherman.

Smoke water fishing village is also a tourist recreation, dining center. Fishing in the beautiful woman in the town, we can enjoy the delicious cuisine Xixi, eat a variety of flavors and varieties of freshwater fish; popular fishing area for visitors to enjoy the wild fishing share the sentiments.

"Silkworm Silk Story"

Now we come to is the first exhibition hall, where a wall hanging display of the growth process of silkworms, silkworm's life to go through four different times, egg, larva, pupa and adult. Silkworm eggs overwinter in the spring when the mulberry tree germination hatch into larvae, the larvae eat mulberry growth, molt sleep after 4 days, 25 days start cocooning. Two days after silking is completed, and then by 2-3 days in the cocoon to pupate within the molt. Pupa about 10 days after becoming an adult is the silk moth. Mating male and female moths lay eggs, then die. In order to meet the production requirements of the previous year, many sericulture, silkworm seed production fields through the staggered seasons, silkworm eggs refrigerated, hydrochloric acid dipping, and other technical measures regulating silkworm egg incubation period can be in spring, summer, autumn and the supply of silkworm in different seasons species. . Container on the shelf is a plaque, is a hotbed for the growth of silkworms. Here is the old-fashioned hand-placed snag machine. (Here's sell silk quilt, 160 pound, 640 4 pounds) of silk industry flourished, prompting the development of embroidery craft, embroidery has a long history in Hangzhou, Song Emperor's namtu, moved the capital to Hangzhou, the artist gathered in embroidery work, prosperity A for a while. Court set up weaving sector, producer court dress, Hangzhou was concentrated more than 300 outstanding embroidery craft workers and artist, designed for the Royal, which Court painted a variety of embroidered clothing. From the Song to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Hangzhou embroidery, a long time to flourish, but also the country's main producing area with silk thread embroidery. Hangzhou yarn production was as much as for the country's number one. Hang embroidery is so advanced because, first, the need for court, and second, local officials and people need three religious needs. Hangzhou has always been a religious destination, Temple, Temple, concept, hut a large number, such as the Lingyin Temple, Jingci famous for religious themes and embroidery also came into being Wedding Customs House:

Now we come to the second venue, there are a lot of blue printed cloth is also the generation of unique southern blue cloth, and now this show is the Office of the married woman's home when the scene is a grand daughter's wedding day , girl sedan chair for when we do not see the girl's mother, daughter is mother of the Xin Tourou may be watching her daughter is still very willing to marry the mother, the Mayan Lei quietly hiding in the kitchen, we can see the bride sedan chair When is pushing down on sacks up, and I hope you can continue the family line after the bride married into her husband's, and Good Luck from generation to generation ... ... this room is to show some of the furniture as dowry, Xixi of the Marriage Customs of the most unusual means of transport is the way it , "the vessel sedan," starting with the woman's family sedan chair carried to the ship and paddled out to the man from the ship carried to the man's home. Here, one old and one less is the bride's father and brother, father and brother are also sent to the pro-side of a characteristic of a local father is not to participate in the pro-sent, the father and brother take on board a vessel two things can not be missed, and took the lead in the bucket for future generations, followed by the flower silk cloth was, which means "many children and grandchildren a horse first, riches and honor life," on display here is the tea family and friends to listen to music, family and friends a happy occasion is naturally want to come along for the ride Minato cup of the wedding banquet, Here is Baitang ceremony on the wall is the Wo Hop Immortals! Here is the bed, and the bed stood two tubs, which stood peanuts, red dates longan litchi, etc. The meaning of Early Takako, in general, are in favor of these things directly sprinkled on the bed, but it is not enough, as health, the bride and groom After a busy day, but also pick up beds, Spring Night is short ah purely in order to save time! There is also a bedside cupboard, the cupboard is putting to use the toilet, the usual time can serve as a chair seat, the design is very reasonable and practical.

"Xixi people" is the indigenous inhabitants of Xixi reproduction of farm life scenes. "Xixi people" in the items displayed are living in the Xixi farm previously used for daily fishing and farming activities, instruments of labor, many of which things are unique to Xixi farmers, such as: cat mad , tile set, tile circle, brick clip and so on. 2nd Terminal

Pit mouth for the annual Dragon Boat jiangcun will win the seat, during the Dragon Boat Festival, people come to the boat, crowded, for Xixi's rural folk style elegance.

Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Race every year when the pools are all mouth, which has preserved the tradition for decades, regardless of what Dragon Boat Club,androwadragonboatlesstha;and row a dragon boat less than a pit mouth, then you do not even across the year. The most common fighting dragon, dragon ships faster than anyone else designated, who draw too beautiful, and annual total bucket of water to see someone go, so timid Point Dragon Boat Club has not dared to come to pit mouth, and At that time, Qianlong's southern tour to the town of Xixi river Nagisa and watch the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Festival gathering, parallel encyclical Royal seal it as the islet dragon boat races.So far, to a dragon boat auspicious Qingfeng, the concept of dragon boat Geely healthy, his practice is still the event in Hangzhou, four rural population.

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